A friend recently described me as an ‘Ambassador.’
I loved the complement, and thought I’d blog a-bit about the idea.
She said that maybe my ‘purpose’ in life is to be ‘ambassador to the world and enlighten the rest of us’.
Wow!!! I was thrown by the comment. I never think of my rant’s or my Travelogues or my Web Sites as anything more than sharing with family and friends. My version of a diary. Very few read my bog, or even ‘click’ thru my Web Sites.
‘enlighten’ - no pressure there. 😊
I think of myself as a Scientist. A Microbiologist. My undergrad degree, and work as a clinical Microbiologist after University was my ‘calling’. I had dreams of becoming an immunologist, a cancer research geek, a skilled molecular biologist.
Well, I still read these subjects obsessively - but sadly failed to achieve those goals.
So instead, I’m an Ambassador.
Like Ambassador Spock, traveling the Galaxy. Just not as smart, and limited to a tiny blue dot.
I have traveled throughout my life, as much as possible. Jumping off the Grid at every chance. I have always believed in its HUGE importance in finding the ‘Truth’. The ‘Answers’. Zero chance that the Truth can be found online, or in a news story. Not that I don’t read absolutely everything, stay current on news – I DO!! It’s just nothing beats eyes and feet at ground zero.
So I jump around the planet, collect travel patches. And rant about evil and ignorant leaders – people of power! I spend some money in the 3ed world,,,,,like to believe I am helping, donating where I believe it makes a difference,, always continuing to search.
I will often introduce myself using an ‘alias’ - All around the planet, at hotels, on boats, in taxi’s. Not to hide, but to get a smile. To make a new friend.
Most of the time my name is ‘Bruce Lee’ : everyone loves him, I’ve never met someone that doesn’t laugh at the tall awkward White American introducing himself as the late Chinese Martial Arts King and actor. They never forget me.
But other times, I chose another famous Bruce. Like Bruce Willis – the actor, or Bruce Wayne – the fictional Batman. Or maybe ‘Bruce the Shark’ – from the Disney movie Nemo. In Zimbabwe and all of Africa - I am Bruce Grobbelaar – the famous football goalkeeper. There are dozens of famous Bruce’s.
Some people come-back at me and calling me Cousin Brucie – the late American NYC radio personality. Or tag me as ‘Brucie Bonus’ – in reference of late Bruce Forsyth, the British entertainer. … and all its many slang meanings 😊
But maybe my new alias will be Ambassador Bruce… it does have a ring of nobility 😊 of purpose… and surely I need that!!! We all do.
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