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Diving Raja Ampat - West Papau New Guinea


Colorful coral , warm waters, hundreds of species of fish, endless numbers of dive sites and panoramic undersea vistas. These Indonesian seas are a contender for one of my best dive experiences. Cheers Indo Siern !!! great job.

Diving was easy in Raja Ampat - our guides avoiding most of the high current sites. I made 24 of 25 dives and it leaves me wanting more. Some of the coral gardens were idyllic, more large reef fish then I’ve ever seen, color out of this world. Mostly hard coral with schooling reef fish on every dive. Wall diving , muck diving, pinnacle top reef drifting. Eat-dive-sleep. Life is good.

The occasional shark swims past; Gray Reef, Black tip, White tip. Tasselled Wobbegong's sleep on the bottom, nudibranch and pigmy seahorse heaven, Bumphead Parrofish, plentiful reef fish. Colorful Bat fish, Blemmies, Angel, Wrass, Puffer, Travally, Fusiler, Cardinal and dozens of varieties of Anemone fish abound. Somewhere over 1500 different species of fish have been recorded in Raja Ampat. Mix in some giant clams, tiny orangutan crabs, schooling squid and a few turtles.... Wow, these sea's are so rich in life! It would take a lifetime to learn them all.

We moor with islands all around, dive reefs with jungles above. No volcanoes in this part of Raja, just limestone islands with jungle to the waters edge.....islands pushing up from the Dampier Straits; holding the riches of the deep. Sunsets and sunrises feed my senses every day. Life under an Orange Sky.

We briefly spot Manta Rays on this journey - my first, and encounter countless Black and White tip sharks on another dive. Only one or two dives had aggressive current, where a reef hook was useful. Like the Philippine Siren live aboard; the Indo Siren uses zodiac entries with guides on every dive and is almost identical to its sister ships.

Just a single off-boat event. To a picturesque mountain top, with views of the Piaynemo islands and a tour of it’s lagoons. A sunset BBQ with new dive friends. Dozens of small Black Tip sharks in the shallows above the dock and local homestay. I’d love to stay here one day and dive Melissa’s garden over and over....maybe next trip to Raja.

Again the Siren boat and crew were brilliant. Luxury live aboard diving is a home away from home. The rocking of this wooden ship, the hum of its engines, creaking of its beam. It’s mesmerizing.

I share a cabin with a 24 yo Australian mate. Rivers' age .... again I find myself the oldest on board. Something I need to get accustomed to....its a surprise to be old !!! How the hell did that happen?

Back to Sorong and West Papua New Guinea now. For those that have played the board game "Risk", you’ll appreciate the geography of this gateway to Oceana. Roll the dice and move forward, ever forward.

Pack up and catch a flight to another island tomorrow. Don’t watch the news, don’t fret the next hotel or meal. Face each day with wide eyes and no fears.

Spending free time reading or sharing travel stories, pictures and blogging. Not entirely sure anyone is reading, but I do see a few people like my Instagram. Reminding myself that all journeys add to our fullness. That fullness matters most.

Bring energy and ideas and enthusiasm to each new day. Be generous and understanding, but unwavering in honest objective philosophy. There’s so little precious time. How can anyone forget that lesson?

I’m on an adventure. Not sure how it happened, or if I’m deserving..but I’m in my element.

Onward travel.

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