Good fortune has permitted me extended visits to the South Pacific these last few years. So much to explore and experience here. Dive, learn the cultures, new friends, study the sea life.
This opportunity grants me time for a favorite hobby here - the night sky of the southern hemisphere. I look at the Southern Cross from my balcony each night. Its beginning to be my friend.
No Telescope here, but my app and clear sky’s reveal its inspiration each night.
I better understand this constellations value more each night. Its consistency is a comfort. Ancient Polynesians relied on it to navigate. I just use it to dream on. It protects me as I sleep.
Dream upon the Southern Cross. I still wish upon a star these nights. Living in quarantine allows for reflection. For prayers. For dreams.
I now worry about the poor of the planet. My station in life is secure. Theirs not-so much.
If the outcome of the Corona Chaos is better leadership in the 3ed world – this all will be worth the pain. But I think that is unlikely. Evil will take advantage for some time to come. The sharks will feast.
So now I dream of another future. Dream of lost loves. Dream of more time.
The Cross just smiles down. Knowing my worries. But confident that all will pass.
It has witnessed a million tipping points, a million acts of evil.
When Corona is finished teaching its lesson. The Southern Cross will still be a friend.
Mankind needs all the friends it can find.
Dreaming under the Southern Cross.