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Everyone wants to be a Microbiologist


Updated: Jan 28, 2023

Everyone wants to be a Microbiologist, but no-one wants to pay the price.

I never could have predicted the power of a Microbiologist in the 20’s. My education is in Microbiology, and I worked as a clinical Microbiologist in hospitals and reference laboratories in the early 80’s. At the time, this career path was limited, unlike the Political and Big-Pharma opportunities that exist today. So, I decided to abandon my passion many years ago, and left the field. But even today, I often introduce myself as a scientist. It's my nature. A Molecular Biology geek, always reading and attempting to keep up with my lost passion. I still think in terms of the Scientific Theory.

Predictably, I do not support the insane decisions of our world leaders as it relates to Virology and the so-called Pandemic of the 20’s – Rona Chaos.

I am deeply offended and frightened by the abuse of my passion, Microbiology. The worldwide damage inflected by this abuse will be felt for generations. Our powerful leaders are to blame. The damage is unthinkably HUGE, magnitude’s of 1000x and is a blog topic in itself. (I’ll leave that for another time.)

Before you jump to any conclusions about my position on Virology and Immunology, I should clarify an important point. I am NOT anti-vaccination. In fact, I am vaccinated via the popular Pfizer Rona injection of mRNA delivered antigen. I will blog about the scientific details of vaccines and human immunology in a separate thread. But for this blog, I limit my discussion to the role of the newly minted Microbiologist, found everywhere.

Fast-forward from the 80’s to the 20’s, and magic – the Biologist is now highly prized. The Politicians have realized they can say or do anything they please…just trot out a ‘Biologist’ on stage, push him to the podium and Wala…instant obedience from the Sheeple. A Political Mandate cannot be contested with a Biological Scientist at their side. If you do contest, you’re labeled ‘anti-science’. Of-coarse, there is blowback from the Cowboys. But, with enough planning and trickery…the Politician wins and suppresses the Cowboys.

The key to this ‘leadership’ plan, is to control ALL dissent of other Microbiologists not on the stage or paid for. Use double talk as often as possible. Lie if needed. Tell half-truths after half-truths until no one understands anything you're saying. No one can figure out which half is the truth, and which half is a lie. The 48 laws of Power.

Control of dissent in the 20’s is primarily implemented by isolating and limiting the audiences of the so called ‘anti-science’ people. Revoking their access to the dominate media outlets. Controlling the news feeds, controlling the internet search results. A page out of China’s playbook.

In the US, this means revoking access to Facebook, uTube, Twitter and Instagram. When that is not enough to silence these ‘anti-science’ people, additional steps are implemented. If significant decent slips past the imposed limits, then ridicule, boycotts, and whenever possible – the firing of these people is required to suppress these so called ‘anti-science’ fakes.

If a ‘Doctor’ objects – revoke his license to practice medicine. If a PhD objects – drop their funding or fire them from the University. Same goes with Lawyers – if they object, dis-bar them from the courts. A perfect plan. Unstoppable. Only one group seems except - the Engineers (but I wonder if there isn’t a ‘leadership’ plan for them too? but that’s another blog).

The only reason I can say these ‘anti-science’ things, to call out Politicians, is that no-one is listening to me. As long as I am a small-fry, an anonymous nobody… I can say whatever I want. Just don’t say it too loud. Even saying this on Twitter or IG or Utube or Facebook will get you banned from those outlets. A quiet blog no one reads is allowed to slip through.

Everywhere I go in the States or the World, I meet another Microbiologist. Amazing how smart these people are, suddenly there are millions of them. They are everywhere in the 20’s. Although they have never taken a Chemistry class, or an Organic Chemistry, or Cellular Biology, or Bio-Chemistry or Virology, or,or,or…. Never paid the price. Yet, they pretend to discuss Immunology with you. ‘Teach’ you how to control a virus. Explain the death rates, pandemics, hygiene, ‘spikes’, variants, treatments, flattening the curve, testing. Mandate behaviors. Oh my.

It’s absolutely amazing how many ‘expert’ Microbiologists there are in the 20’s, Yet so few have paid the price. Few have studied the impossibly complex details of Immunology and Virology. The Chemistry, the Molecular Biology. Yet, just read any media article or any TV news story and ‘experts’ abound. Why should they pay the price when they already hold the power without the cost?

Who are these modern ‘experts’ ? These so-called experts are presented as unbiased scientists. Really, scientists? I only see a few Doctors, and thousands of Politicians and Actors. Doctors and Actors and Politicians are NOT scientists, they are definitely NOT Microbiologist’s. They are money machines.

True, a Microbiologist might also be a Politian or Actor or Doctor. But if such a Microbiologist does exist, and they must be very-very rare. I know of NONE.

When was the last time these money machines conducted an experiment using Scientific Theory? The last time they published the results with controls and evidence and peer review? Never, Really, but their a scientist? I think not, they are an autocrat in disguise as an ‘expert’. In it for the money. A Sheeple by nature. A money machine by instinct.

These newly minted Microbiologists replace Scientific Theory with Observational Science. They use correlation as their evidence, confusing it with causation. My best friend (an Engineer) shared this fantastic sarcastic example.

“Its amazing; Every time I eat a Ham sandwich, Kim Jong-un advances his Nuclear ambition”

Mostly I’m just mad that Microbiologists are being misused and abused by the Politicians. Why can’t the Engineer’s take some of the load? Trot a few of them on stage and let the Politicians announce the next mandate. Please.

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1 Comment

Jan 28, 2022

Nice Bruce 😊 There is a plan to save the world and you're living through the hardest part of it right now. Keep the faith .. God Always Wins 😘


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