WARNING: If your are easily insulted by anyone questioning our leaders in the US and around the World. DO NOT READ this blog. Please.
WARNING: If you do not have an interest in the highly complex and technical aspects of Microbiology. DO NOT READ this blog. Please.
This blog is not for everyone. It is a million details packed into 10 pages.
I was inspired by Sinclair Lewis as very young man. Maybe 13 or 14. His book Arrowsmith is an interesting lesson for the 20’s Rona chaos the world finds itself in. If your serious about learning about Microbiology, about Immunology, about Virology. It’s a good place to start. Of-coarse, you need to follow that up with a 100 books on Chemistry and Physiology and Cell Biology – but let’s put that aside for a moment.
Just start with a teaspoon full.
This blog is about vaccines and how they work – or don’t work. It’s about Rona chaos and how the world is being taught Microbiology one teaspoon at a time. I am not a teacher, or an expert of these subjects, but I am a Microbiologist. The knowledge I share here leaves out a million details, it skips the Chemistry, it skips so-much, but hopefully it will put a Biological perspective on the Rona Chaos. It’s a crazy complex topic. Impossible to summarize in a short blog. I’ll do my best to be brief, but difficult complex topic demand details. It’s the best I can do. Arrowsmith would approve.
Blogging here, I discuss many technical details of Immunology and Cell Biology. I jam thousands of pages of knowledge into a short blog. In the words of Mark Twain: “I would have written a shorter blog, but I didn’t have the time.”
Let’s start with antibodies. Seems everyone has now learned this word. How about antigens? maybe you even know what that is. But how about another, more important word – cytokines? How about T-Cells and B-Cells? And specifically, how about memory T and B cells ? or effector cells?
When the world was told, that the Rona mRNA Vaccines where 97% effective against Corvid-19. What where we being told? What does ‘effective’ mean? How does a vaccine work?
Our leaders, CDC, and Big Pharma know full well how a vaccine works. Why tell a half truth? 97% effective is at-best, is a half truth. At worst it’s a 100% lie.
CDC, our leaders and our media go on-and-on about antibodies. How, after the vaccines you have high anti-bodies against Rona. (yet deign that a natural infection does the same – shame on them for lying!!). Later the ‘leaders’ announce, oh..the antibody titer counts drop in a few months (3-6) … opps, you need a booster. And maybe a 4th and 5th booster. Got to keep those anti-body titer’s high they say.
This is false narrative. Natural immunity works the same way a vaccine works. An abuse of Microbiology. No true Microbiologist would say otherwise. Another half-truth.
CDC and Big Pharma play along. The liberal leaders call the shots for political gain. They get control, get to proclaim mandates. Get to fire you if you don’t comply. Everyone is Happy. Or at least those in power are happy. The money guys love it. The leaders pat themselves on the back for saving millions of lives. Or so they claim.
Again, this is a false narrative. An abuse of Microbiology.
I believe they are driven by the belief that lying is OK, as long it is for the ‘greater good’. Obviously, the greater good includes the people depending on ‘them’ for social handouts, for free money. Depending on the ‘leaders’ to think for them.
CDC and others seem to believe (or are they are just lying again?) that the immunological goal is keep giving vaccines, every 6 months, over and over, keep everyone’s anti-body titer counts high, and eventual, maybe, just maybe Rona will go away. Anti-bodies NEVER live more the 3-6 months – assuming your beat the pathogen and live. They are short lived by design.
If your body had to maintain a high titer count for every pathogen it encounters, it would spend ALL its resources maintaining the millions of different antibodies needed to defeat the pathogens. Wasteful. And NOT what happens. Instead, the body clears the infection, stops producing anti-bodies (and cytokines), but keeps a smart backup around to fight the next cycle.
This how a successful vaccine works, this is how a nature infection from Rona works.
This goal of keeping high antibodies is a false narrative. It’s NOT the design and purpose of a vaccine. Another half-truth.
The design of a vaccine, its goal, is not to maintain high anti-body titers. The high titers are just small piece of the immune puzzle. And, not the most important piece, just another piece. In fact, the high count after a vaccine can be a burden on your body. A burden on your immune system. And, it can have negative health consequences in some cases. Some near death, from other causes – say Cancer or diabetes – will likely exhaust the remaining ability of their immune system, and their deaths with be expedited. NOT what the ‘leadership’ is selling.
The design of a vaccine is to trigger Memory T and B-Cells to be created by the body, and for these cells to get imbedded into the Thalamus and Lymph system of humans. And for these memory cells to provide for long term resistance to a pathogen. In this case, the Rona virus.
If successful, a vaccination has taught these Memory cells how to quickly identify the antigens associated with a pathogen (Rona), and quickly create/generate effector T and B cells, Natural Killer cells, Macrophages, Eosinophils and more!!! These cells (effectors) then in-turn create anti-bodies and cytokines to fight off a pathogen.
The vaccination is just a teacher. A pathogen is an antigen. Or more specifically, an antigen is a tiny protein fragment of a pathogen (Rona). The presence of a specific antigen triggers Memory cells to ‘awake’ and begin a highly complex cascade of Adaptive immunity which results in anti-bodies and cytokine production. The anti-bodies and cytokines form a feedback loop, regulating a human body’s response to the pathogen (eg. The antigen).
Once a vaccinated or you have a natural infection, your body has been taught the memory cells the ‘trick’ of identifying a specific antigen. The vaccine would be considered a success. It would be 97% effective. The memory cells can live-on for many years. Some for your entire life.
But, 97% proclamation doesn’t mean a human will never get re-infected by the pathogen. Re-infected with Rona in our example. It doesn’t say the human will never test positive for the pathogen after vaccination or nature infection – it is the opposite. They are in-fact, likely to be reinfected.
This part of the Immune system is called Adaptive immunity. That because, on the second infection (exposure), the memory T and B cells kick in and trigger the cascade – they get even more specific for the pathogen – they adapt, they improve. They get even more affective on the second infection. That results in even more successful antibodies, and the infection is cleared even faster.
After the second infection is cleared, the Memory cells are even smarter than the first cycle. But this doesn’t mean that a human will never test positive for a third cycle of infection. It does mean that the attack of the pathogen will be stopped faster then the first cycle. This process can repeat many times. The vaccine is a success. The timing of the cycle is not the same for everyone. It is driven by how-long it takes for your antibody titer count to drop. How long it takes to fully resolve the first, then second then third exposures.
Vaccines do not create a shield. In fact, it is quite different. They teach.
Saying otherwise in another Half-truth.
These events above briefly describe a successful vaccine. The also describe a natural infection.
So again, our leaders teach a spoonful of Microbiology. They sell the idea that vaccines are a shield again infection. That you are protected. But as many have recently learned. They do not accomplish that goal. They are not designed to accomplish that goal. Re-infection, positive ‘tests’ are a component of this process. ALL vaccines work in this Adaptive manor. Same as natural immunity.
So what about cytokines? These are produced by the B and T cells that have class switched to effector cells (v. class switched to Memory cells). The effector cells are short lived, and are a front line defense fighting the pathogens. They die doing their job. One of their tools of these cells is the creation of anti-bodies and cytokines.
Cytokines are possibly, the most critical, least discussed aspect of immunity. To understand them you must fully understand everything discussed above,,and that information is just the intro. Cytokines are small proteins (peptides) which circulate in your blood like anti-bodies, in the plasma, but do not bind the antigens like antibodies, (in the same category as Proteases.) Cytokines trigger inflammation and communication, and control a feed-back loop. They cause pores to be opened within tissue of your body, permitting the entry of B and T effector cells circulating in the blood/plasma, entry to the tissue. This is a complex topic. And avoided by our ‘leaders’ at all costs.
The pores created by cytokines result in inflammation (swelling) to occur, a harmful event to the body – harmful to human organs, harmful to the heart, lung, everything! They are responsible for your body become bruised. With-out an entry to the tissue, the B and T cells and NK cells can not get to the site of infection, and not fight off the pathogen. For example: In the case of Rona, lung tissue and heart tissue, and kidney tissue.
So why inflame? The immune defenses need to get at the pathogen – they need access. But, in the optimal scenario, inflammation should be short-lived, and should be shutdown as the infection is cleared. This phase of the immune response is call ‘resolving’ the infection. Swelling goes down. The feedback loop is closed.
The down-side of inflammation is a big deal. If the feedback loop does not shutdown the cytokines, does not stop the inflammation – the body is considered auto-immune compromised. The persons auto-immune system is failing. The cause of this failure are many. Older age failing immune systems, diabetes, and dozens and dozens of other sources of a compromised auto-immune system exist in humans….maybe hundreds can cause a failure in the loop to occur.
A normal healthy functional immune of humans doesn’t get caught in this non-ending cycle of inflammation.
Here is the rub: In the case of Rona. If the feedback loop is not working properly, and does not enter a resolution phase quickly, the cytokines continue to be produced and continue to inflame.
The long term impact is you body begins to kill itself (apoptosis), your body tissue is continually being destroyed by active B and T effector cells, being marked for destruction by the anti-bodies. This insanely complex process is NEVER discussed by our leaders. Its too difficult. They pretend it doesn’t exist.
Another half truth. Our genius leaders decide to ignore this part of immunity, because its to hard to explain. They are too busy selling the ‘antibody shield’ theory. Pushing for more and more vaccinations.
Maybe they actually need the pandemic to control the Sheeple. Only they know best. I can only guess at their motivation.
For the few unluck ones that are not able to resolve the cytokine storm,,,, good luck to them. Some make it thru and live after a difficult battle and organ failure. Others die. Their bodies killing themselves, or for some, their immune system is so exhausted that other opportunist pathogens take over – pneumonia, lung, kidney failure, etc.
How often does this occur. That is hard to precisely say. But I would guess it accounts for 70-90% of all acute cases of Rona. The virus is not killing the person, the inflammation is killing them. Their Adaptive immune system is failing to resolve, failing to control the feedback loop. If this inflammation continues for a week, you will be dead. You will never live to see resolution.
Therefore, a vaccine ‘shield’, an anti-viral drugs will never help you survive the next week. Only stopping and slowing the inflammation will work, buy you time to fight on. That’s where the topic of anti-inflammatories become important.
A critical category of anti-inflammatory compounds is called Immunoglobulin. These also play a critical roll in the feedback loop discussed above. There are classified in to several large groups; Igg, Ige, IGb. Created in by the immune system in normal health people, but also created as a therapy – in a lab, by Big-Pharma. They have been around for many-many years, and are relatively cheap in cost.
One member of the IGG group has become known as ‘mono-clonal antibodies’. It has many trade names, and versions. But for the most part, they are all very similar
Immunoglobulin therapies have been around for a long-long time. Are used to fight numerous diseases that trigger auto-immune inflammation failure. For example organ rejection (from a transplant), difficult to clear fungal infections, etc.
It has been used to treat Rona, under a very limited and governmentally controlled Political agenda. But our ‘leaders’ have fought making this widely used. Hundreds of thousands of people have died ‘of Rona’ that could have lived if treated with these anti-inflammatory compounds.
Of course, this fact will NEVER be accepted and taught by our leaders. NEVER be admitted to by our Doctors. This story will be suppressed at all costs. Called anti-science. Imagine, if this was widely known, that our ‘leaders’ and Doctors intentional mis-treated hundreds of thousands of us. And that is just in the US.
This half truth is of EPIC proportion. Evil.
Yes, they ‘permitted’ Immunoglobulin treatment in limited use, in some ‘acute’ cases. IF your fought for it. IF your even knew about it. But the ‘leaders’ only want vaccination rates to be high, cases high and deaths high. They NEED to be scared. Claiming this treatment doesn’t work in case X, in case Y, in this variant or that. Just double talk.
That is another false narrative. This one a full lie. Not even a half-truth.
Of coarse, most, maybe all people that die ‘from’ Rona do not actual die ‘of’ Rona. True, they test positive of the virus. True they may even have an active infection. But they die of acute inflammation, or secondary opportunistic pathogens that thrive in this weakened auto-immune condition in which your body is not successfully controlling its feedback loop.
Their body kills itself, their body is inflamed to such an extent many many other pathogens take advantage and multiply in the absence of an exhausted immune system. If a person suffers from these co-morbidities before being infected with Rona, before the cytokine storms, before getting up in the morning, before wearing a mask, before getting vaccinated … then be careful – your auto-immune system may kill you.
So how do you control the feedback loop. The obvious answer to treat these people with IGG. This compound does in-fact, contains anti-bodies. Yes, anti-bodies are specific to specific antigens (pathogens). So,, the geniuses (our leaders) take a given IGG, test it against ‘variants’ of Rona in a lab… Conclude it doesn’t bind to the Rona antigen, or at least to all variants (eg. Omicron). Therefore; They proclaim it does not work, and refuse to treat people with IGG. They claim and sell the belief that Immunoglobin treatment doesn’t work.
This is a false narrative. A half truth. An evil lie.
Yes, the IGG compound may or may not be a perfect match for a given antigen, for a given variant. BUT, the critical part is NOT the binding of IGG antibodies to a Rona fragment. Immunoglobulins HUGE value is that it does control the cytokine feedback loop that is creating the high inflammation, which can kill you directly or indirectly via opportunistic pathogens. You die ‘with’ a positive Rona test result. NOT ‘because’ of Rona. Our so-call leaders and their puppet ‘scientists’ refuse to clarify this aspect of Rona Chaos. It doesn’t fit their agenda and goals of control.
Its an evil upon the world that the anti-body matching argument is used as a reason to NOT permit the use of IGG to combat Rona. Fight the inflammation with IGG, fight it will mono-clonal antibodies. Every time someone is so sickened with Rona that they must be hospitalize – they should receive an anti-inflammatory such as IGG.
This treatment concept is not so very different then the logic of bring down someone’s sky-high temperature when infected by some pathogens. If your temperature goes to 105, 106 – you can not survive. Treat the inflammation (the temperature). Control the feedback loop.
Yes, IGG it may not directly kill Rona, may not bind to the Rona antigen, marking it to be killed by T-cells, buy NK cells, by Macrophage. Yes, that is true…… BUT again I repeat….that is not the important part!!! It’s the regulation of inflammation feedback loop. The regulation of cytokine feedback loop.
This complex aspect of virology, of immunology is far far beyond the public forum.
People of the world are being taught immunology a teaspoon at a time. They can be tricked, lied to, and lead in any direction a ‘leader’ wishes with a Biologist standing on stage telling half-truths. If you want to control the people you need to scare them, not cure them.
Is it all about the money for Big-Pharma? Is all about retaining Power of the people? Of defeating the opposing political party?
Is is about intentionally suppressing 3ed world countries that where climbing out of poverty?
I have absolutely no idea.
All I know is only half-truths are being sold by our leaders. And if anyone objects. If anyone does want to talk of alternative theories, of alternative strategies other then mass vaccinations. Then you are silenced.
If this blog ever became widely read. It would be wiped from the web, and I would be labeled ‘anti-science’, anti-vac, anti everything.
I am anything but anti-vaccination. I am Arrowsmith.
On one or two related topics.
Regarding: The mRNA delivery system recently developed and used in the modern vaccines. I think the method is outstanding. Safer and faster to develop, and will prove to help the people of the planet. It is just a delivery system. To deliver manufactured fragments of a pathogen (antigen) into the body. Once delivered, the antigen is recognized as a pathogen by your immune systems front line T and B cells. This recognition triggers the entire immune protection cycle. It works. Don’t fear it. But FEAR our leaders mismanagement of treatments for acute immunocompromised people. Shame on them for being so very very selfish.
Sadly, with our leaders telling so very many half-truths, and lies. Many people are anti mRNA, and anti anything coming out of laboratories. This is a sad, horrible consequences of losing trust in our leaders and the CDC. How this trust can ever be recovered? How can you win the support of people for mRNA delivery systems will prove to be very-long and difficult prospect? An entire generation may be needed to rebuild that trust.. and that assumes they stop telling half-truths NOW.
I am not anti-Vac. In fact, I am vaccinated with the Pfizer product. I didn’t need it, but don’t fear it. I don’t want others around me to fear-me. I live here on this planet with other humans that don’t understand Microbiology. So if getting a vaccine make me an acceptable friend, and it doesn’t harm me – I’ll take it. But, if I was fearful that it would harm me (as it can in some people), or if it was against my religion – Then I would not have taken it. Let people have their own choice!
Regarding: Two other treatments that are suppressed by our ‘leaders’.
Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. I do not know much about these compounds mechanics but believe the evidence (the ‘anti-science’ evidence) clearly demonstrates they are useful in the treatment of Rona. My guess about the method of their function on human immune system is likely to parallel IGG – that I discuss above. That is, they likely impact the feedback loop of cytokines and cut inflammation. The critical treatment step for survival of people that actually get seriously sick from a Rona infection.
Few if any drugs can directly kill a virus. Virus’s are inter-cellular by design. Yes, for a time period they ‘survive’ outside a host cell, but very short period. For any drug, Ivermectin for example to directly kill a virus, it would have to enter our cell tissue, penetrating the cell walls, getting to the Cytoplasm of a cell. This is almost impossible for most drugs to accomplish.
But, these two compounds (Hydro and Iver), as well as the Immunoglobin treatments I discussed above, can and do impact cytokines, and attach to free antigen. Changing the feedback loop.
Regardless of the Chemistry and mechanisms. Our ‘leaders’ resistance to these treatment methods, and to Immunoglobulin (aka mono-clonal antibodies) is that our ‘leaders’ ONLY want high anti-body titers, more vaccinations and control of our lives.
Regarding: The so-called Corvid-pill from Pfizer et.el.
More double talk and half truths. This ‘pill’ is not publicly called Immunoglobulins. They are call ‘Protease inhibitors’. Wells, Immunoglobulins are in-fact, Protease inhibitors. So, the magic function of the magic Corvid-pill from Big-Pharma, that NO-ONE will let you know the cost…is just in-fact, the same category of treatment as mono-clonal antibodies… aka Immunoglobulin.
Yet another half truth from our ‘leaders’. They dismiss mono-clonal antibody treatments (Immunoglobulin), while at approving the ‘Newly’ discovered and recently patented Protease Pill Big-Pharma product.
Half-truths everywhere. I want to know who holds these patents.
The overall topic is of great interest to me. In part, because of Cynthia’s cause of death. – Brain Cancer. This topic is similar to the blood-Brain barrier topic. Which stops most/all treatments from effectively reaching a Brain Cancer … but that is another blog for another life.
Are leaders are selling half truths.
Thank you for reading.