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How smart are we ?


Updated: Jan 28, 2023

During a recent discussion with some close friends about climate change I noticed a basic difference in our philosophies. It was in regard to mankind's current knowledge. While I felt that mankind was in the very very early stages of knowledge in many scientific disciplines; my friends felt we were further along. Obviously these are just opinions and no-one can be entirely correct or entirely wrong. But the basic differences in our thoughts about science seems to account for our opposing ideas on climate. (and quite possibly many other subjects)

So, I designed a short fun survey to measure an individual's opinion on the level of mankind's knowledge. I first gave this survey orally to my friends and family. Their answers so amazed me I began to believe this might be an important topic. I've come to realized our individual belief's about current knowledge levels is much much larger then climate change.

Each of us, seem to view the questions in a different light. Some think I'm asking about their belief in God; for others the questions are about invention vs: discovery; and yet others about the relative complexity of one scientific discipline vs: another. None of which were intended by my questions. (And yet another group of people refuse to answer - I can only believe they fear their answers may conflict with their ideologies.)

I believe this survey is a bit of a personality test. Are you a fatalist ? an optimist ? a global warming ideologue ? I'm still contemplating the significance of this survey, but I hope it helps - just a little to better understand each other. I hope it opens discussions, makes each of reevaluate our opinions. And just maybe; realize we are all in this together.

For me, this survey has generated a ton of thought. If you believe mankind has a highly advanced knowledge a topic - say 9/10 ; your opinions about a host of similar topics should agree with that survey result. If you discover they are out of should (hopefully) cause you to step back and re-think your ideas.

Results are all over the map. My two son's answers for example where: (1/99/1/No) and (5/5/5/No). Wow!!! Not what I expected at-all. Each had good honest reasons for their opinions.

Well - Here is my survey - takes just a minute. It just might help you (us) better understand your friends and family are coming-from. And it might just make you re-evaluate your opinions en-total. And the point of it all - is to have open fun honest discussions.

I'll update this blog with more thoughts on this survey; and the results. Hope you enjoy it.

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