I’ve been told I’m “to literal”. Taking words as words and not as emotions.
There is certainly some truth in that observation about myself.
But consider the flip side. Should a person “say what they mean and mean what they say” ?
I believe a person must do just that!!! Otherwise they often just become a critic of the world with little to offer the future. De-evolution in plain sight.
True; Humor and Art can be lost in a purely Literal philosophy. Life is a balance of words and actions. Being literal doesn’t require a person to forgo humor and art – it just requires you to fine-tune the equation.
Match words and actions and I’m not confused. Mis-match them and I look for humor. But then if the ‘humor’ is spiteful and condescending - I often miss the humor - I’m to literal. And if there is truly is no ‘hidden’ humor in the mis-matched words - I’ll loop back to confusion.
I consider self-deprecating humor the easiest to appreciate. Humor that makes a target out of someone and is at their ‘expense’ can trouble me sometimes. Yes, we all need to have thick-skin; take the targeting in stride. But repeated prodding and poking isn’t humor, its jealousy or possibly fear disguised as humor.
My appreciation of art is similar. Art that becomes a political agenda; or leaves the viewer depressed and negative about the future … is difficult for me to appreciate. I’m not anti free speech or desiring suppression of any art-form; just sharing my preference for Art and Humor to lead the way to a positive, joyful future.
I chase art in life daily – but a balance of literal, science and love must be abundance in the journey.
Words and actions do have meaning. Be thoughtful before you criticize and dismiss. Read everything, everything, everything. Learn from each other. Be positive.
Genius is finding the ‘literal’ path forward.