Philosophically - I can only conclude that Western Prosperity and Culture will ultimately fail Mankind.
….but I do hold hope in the 3ed World – that they may yet save Humanity.
What other conclusion is possible? … so I rant.
Idealism vs: reality
For the sake of this Blog; I divide the world into two groups. So-called - Western Prosperity and Culture – countries like (USA, Europe, Japan, China, Australia, NZ) … and a second group - all the other countries of the planet – the so called 3ed world.
Yes,, I know Japan and China would prefer to not be included… but sorry, it’s too late for them to turn back now…actually, they where lost long ago, even before the others.
I’m not being morose, or obtuse, or any other negative adjective that I don’t know how to properly use. I’m just being objective (well, actually Bio-objective).
And if you read this entire Blog,,you might be surprised that my ranting isn’t so dire as its first impression. There is hope, but not in what you might think.
My lost of belief in Western Prosperity and Culture,,, the reality of our future,,, is nothing I anticipated as a young man. Starting at the bottom in South Philly,,,,everything looked clearly Western, the world was driven by Western Prosperity and Culture - and continue to be forever.
Looks like I was wrong.
I continued to believe in Western Culture and productivity until the last few years,,,,,after all I am from the US ..… But, the evidence is now overwhelming, and I am forced to give up on this tenet. My extensive world travel, combined with education in the US has lead me to this strange philosophy. The 3ed world will save Humanity.
Despite the fact that I am a technocrat and continue to love and support the West’s ever-growing Scientific Knowledge and Altruistic cultures … Despite being from the West .. it’s becoming increasingly and painfully obvious to me that these skills and traits are not sufficient for the long-term survival of Humanity.
Only recently have I’ve lost that belief; the idea that Western Countries and Cultures will win the day. I had been suspicious of its failings,,,,but not until the last 5-10 years has my suspicion lead to this philosophy.
I do not doubt Western ability to discover the how/why of Science, to become enormously prosperous – in fact, I expect that from the West …… but instead; I have lost long-term hope in the West because of the psychosis of ‘idealism’ that has swept the Western countries in the last 10-15 years.
As a scientist, I believe Biology is real. That Genetics is real. That Chemistry is real.
Idealism has sidelined these scientific Western philosophies, and thought police have won.
Biology has lost. Science has been lost. Determinism is sold everywhere in support of Idealism. A new religion has been born. Welcome to the 2000’s.
(mis)Education of Western children and the control of Media has driven the powerful concept of idealism. Obviously, China and Japan have used these methods on their populations for many years, many generations. But only in the last generation has this powerful strategy won the day in the West.
Is it because we watched to much Start Trek ? or Listened to John Lennon’s song ‘Imagine’ one to many times ? I don’t know.
The most poignant example of idealism in Western thought; is the growing, and now popular belief that Biology is optional. That the definition of a Man and of a Woman is just opinion. With that new definition now fully accepted, now memorialized in the English language Dictionary … this ‘idealistic’ definition becomes the truth in Western thought..
Amazingly, in 2023, a word, any word can be re(defined) to mean anything that a ‘leader’ might chose. What astounding power. Unimaginable to me as a young man.
Yes, this power has been available to China and Japan for generations. But in the US and Europe, this power has only been obtained by leadership recently.
If you don’t like something… just change the definition.. If it’s in the way – move it. Winning at the cost of Biology is accepted. Afterall, science is just a word.
Another notable example is the World-Wide event of lockdowns that where deployed during the so-called Rona ‘pandemic’.. I blogged a few of my Scientific thoughts on this insanity separately. But this example of controlling, censoring, and monetizing Science is for-me; indisputable. This is a second notable example of the power of ‘idealism’.
A Third example is redefining the definition of ‘racism’. It now is defined as having a specific skin color. NOT as an action, or belief. Words and Actions are old-school definitions for racism. Now, the accepted definition is color of skin. For example; A White person can now be considered racist because they are white skinned, not because of actions or beliefs. And a Black person is NOT a racist because by definition – that is impossible, and because any action or belief they might hold is justified and therefore again by definition, not racist.
A hundred more examples might be given… but more examples and details here are not important. What is important, is that word can be (re)defined – officially. End of discussion. Idealism has won.
To accomplish ‘idealism’, several things where needed and have now been obtained by the leaders of Western countries.
- Control of the Dictionary is required… as it turns out, not so very hard really. Oxford and Cambridge can be bought. Done.
- Control of the Media is required … as it turns out, also not so very hard now that the internet is controlled by just a few entities under Western Government ‘management’. Done.
Only one last domino was needed for ‘idealism’ to become de facto winner in the West ,,,
That is (was) control of the Biological Sciences. With the monetizing of Microbiology (my area of study); with the monetizing of the CDC in the US; with the monetizing of the Western Education system …… the last domino(s) are in place ------ Now Science must and will follow ‘idealism’. Or else you are unemployed.
The details of how Science has come under control is a lengthy separate Blog topic … maybe for another day. But that story always leads back to money … (like all stories do I guess).
Life in the 2000’s, in a very important way ...… is like life in the Middle-ages. A time of powerful leaders; Kings and Dictators and Popes .. but today, we call them Presidents, and Prime Ministers. Corrupt leaders with new titles.
Science was easy for corrupt leaders' control during the Middle-ages.. but that control slipped away from these leaders over the last 100-200 years. But now,,, in the 2000’s, it is back under full control of our Western ‘leaders’.
With all these domino’s now in place.. there is nothing to hinder ‘idealism’. Nothing to stop our ‘leaders’ from controlling all Western Prosperity and Culture. Power is everything. They are happy and rich. Richer and happier every day.
The cause of such ‘idealism’ is like discussing a conspiracy theory. We all have a guess. But does the cause even matter? It appears no-one has control of ‘idealism’…. it’s out of our hands. ‘idealism’ has won the West.
My NOT chasing and hunting the cause of idealism is NOT complacency. Just realism.
This power over Science and the Dictionary is just too addicting to Western leaders. It can’t be resisted. China and Japan have used this power for a long-while. It’s the ultimate power. US and European leaders have always been jealous of China and Japan’s ability to control their population. Now they have that power too!
So what’s your point Bruce? Get to it please!!
I can only hope; that an understanding of Western ‘idealism’, by studying this ‘evil playbook’, by discussing the topic openly ,,, that possibly something positive will result,,,,,somewhere, someday.
So I am writing this Blog,, and relating my hope for Humanity,,a hope based upon 3ed World ‘reality’.
Although I have lost hope for Western thought…I have gained hope in the so-called 3ed world ‘reality’.
See I told you - My rants are not as negative or hopeless as you might first think.
The 3ed world countries and cultures are better described as 2ed world. Many of the poorest countries of the world have moved past abject poverty ..and continue to improve every day (read Factfulness).
Life in many of these 2ed World places is far superior than ours in the States..that is for sure!! Try exploring them, it you don’t believe it.
No, they don’t have the high-end prosperity of the States – but there is a limit to the value of prosperity. It tops out sooner than most Westerners realize.
My hope in the 3ed world is very long-viewed. One component of this idea even borders on science fiction. Anyway, Here-goes: My point.
As Western thought (idealism) becomes ‘sterile’ ….brainwashed…censored… …as Man and Woman merge to be indistinguishable, as dozens of Trans-sexual definition’s emerge, as borders disappear in the name of compassion, as words are redefined, as money is given away, as the people become to addicted to this government control.
An Inevitable and predictable outcome is our future.
…… Western future will hold low birth rates, declining humanity advances,,,,loss of creativity, loss of ingenuity, loss of new ideas ,,, lower and lower average IQ’s, older and older average ages in the population,,,,,
People of Western thought will plateau out… Like you see occurring in Japan and China.
So,,,to the rescue, comes the 2ed world – they will still reproduce, create the next genius, have the new ideas.. They still live in ‘reality’. Still Know Biology is real. That Science is real.
Hopefully, the 2ed World will carry us long enough for Mankind to find a way off Earth. A way forward and survival of Humans for millions of years. (That goal is the only conceivable reason for moving forward at-all…. But that idea is a philosophy is for another blog.)
I also believe…as time progresses. That the real geniuses of the planet, the future discoveries, the yet dreamed of ideas, can only emerge from the 2ed world …NOT from Western brainwashed thought.
Someone on a remote isolated island will one day solve the concepts of time, of gravity, of quantum entanglement, of existence… these people of the 2ed have NOT been censored and brainwashed. They are our hope.
Sadly, I must conclude that Western thought – as I have come to know it…is incapable of a long term future… But, I am hopeful.. that the 2ed world can save us.
So what can be done to help? Why even Blog about this?
..To help a tiny bit. Help the 3ed world.
Stop taking their most important resources would be a good start.
And by important resource, I’m not talking about oil or ore or gold. Useful resources, but of lesser importance.
The valuable resource the West is ‘taking’ from the 3ed world is their people. The West is actively draining the 3ed world of its people…their most valuable resource.
This strategy keeps 3ed world countries in the hands of dictators, who control uneducated peoples..that are kept under control. .. keeping the Brain drain running at full-speed is a trick of ‘idealism’ Maybe even the entire goal of such powerful tool.
Try traveling to these destinations. Taking a Taxi, spending a little money there … helping in a small way for them to survive. Sure,,donate big if you are capable of it,, but that strategy can just be a be careful about philanthropy strategies. – they are easily corrupted.
So, its onward travel for me. More discovery of 3ed world peoples and cultures. I continue to gain hope in these smallest corners of the world. Only here do people seem to be resistant to ‘idealism’…
Our leaders in the West have a different plan for the 3ed World..…just drain the best resource they have .. their people.
The Western leaders doesn’t really care if these countries are ‘converted’ to idealism and just ignore their ‘reality’ … and that arrogance is our best hope…a tiny hole in their plan.
…that tiny hole in idealism is humanities best hope. Realism can endure in the 3ed world.
That Hope, My Hope - can hold on there, just long enough to save Humanity.
This future may take a hundred years to fully transpire, maybe two hundred.
But in the end,, Humanity will survive thanks to the 3ed world. My sons and their family will survive.
I have to believe.