The world wide phenomena that causes people to underestimate their high standard of living is curious. Why is this common ?
Often I’ve had conversations with people 1-2 generations younger then myself … and they uniformly believe they have it harder, more expensive, more difficult to accomplish success and prosperity. People closer to my age; in their 50-70’s also seem to be persuaded by this thought..(though not as uniformly.)
These pessimistic people dismiss that they live amongst prosperity and luxury every day. Their food, health care, entertainment, communications, housing – ALL surpassed the years when I was a young man. And that says nothing of my parents generation, or my grandfathers.
How could so many people not understand history, and their own prosperity.
One reason is that their prosperity has grown around them, and they missed that organic event. Or they simple are caught in the keep-up-with-the-Jones syndrome that humans can suffer from.
But another interesting fact these people have mis-understood the de-materialization events that world prosperity had gifted us. They have been giving these gifts of prosperity; and have taken them for granted…forgetting to say thank you to the world. The simple example of a phone camera. 40-50 years ago, few people had cameras. It was a luxury.. only the highly prosperous could own a camera. Now, most of the planet has a camera, prosperity has pushed down to millions and millions. All while the camera itself has almost disappeared – or ‘dematerialized. Countless other examples of technology changes pushing prosperity into the hands of the masses are everywhere.
De-materialization continues provide abundance and prosperity to the planet. Energy and time are saved by not producing camera’s for everyone. Pollutions and waste are avoided by not printing and using chemicals to develop. All the while, prosperity and abundance is delivered to millions.
But again, this world wide phenomena of denial of fact is amazing. People want to cry woo-is-I, I am poor, can’t afford a big house, a bigger car, must pay for my education. Ahhh…. For people to be so so very prosperous, and not even realize it. Amazing, but sad at the same time.
Wake-up!!! If you work hard, take advantage of opportunity, be a producer. All will end well !!
Prosperity will rain upon you if you will just stop being pessimistic.
But; Continue to be caught in a cycle of self doubt and misfortune. Blaming the planet, the government, your boss. And all-bets are off.
The world will pass you by.