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Surfacing below the equator


One of my favorite moments when diving occurs at the finish of a night dive.

All night dives require a calm. Pushing any apprehension back into the recesses of your brain. Plunging into the black unknown. It’s always worth the effort- seeing new creatures, maintaining calm.

But the best comes at the finish. As with most things life offers.

Surfacing to the stars. Turning off your light, floating on the black. Leaning back you see millions and millions of stars. Peace consumes me during those moments. Fascination about what lies outside our planet- all the while just surfacing from the underwater planet. The classic juxtaposition experience. Both are black. Both hold more than any one man could comprehend. Both offer peaceful calm. Yet, are opposites of life on terra forma.

All diving is a meditative experience for me. Nothing topside exists for an hour. No stresses, no responsibilities, no money concerns, no family strife. At times diving was my only escape from life’s pressures.

If you dare. Dive the black deep - but lean back and bask in the starlight when your hour is complete.

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