Accepted as fact by many many scientists but ignored by our leaders during the Rona chaos. Several of my theory’s of the human immune system are based upon it. For me it’s not limited by the few words you will see on the Wikipedia page - a page that’s been censored, diluted.
The original theory speaks of children, and their childhood hygiene – and how it affects them later in life.
To summarize: it says children in a bubble (western countries) that do not encounter the challenges of pathogens to in childhood / fail to properly develop their immune system: and often, at a much higher rate than non-bubble humans (non western countries) they develop immune compromised bodies, and numerous health issues later in life.
That quick summary of the Hygiene Hypothesis is just the tip of the iceberg.
In basic principle, most people would agree that:
To grow and maintain strong healthy muscle and bone.
- you must exercise those muscle and bones
To have a keen, sharp mind:
- you must exercise your brain.
So, they agree. Walking is good. Doing puzzles and reading is good. At any age, throughout life. Sure, these principles are doubly important for children and for the elderly.
(But….not so obvious, it that it is important at ‘ALL’ ages.)
Yet! These same people that agree with Brain and Muscle exercise principles, ignore the Hygiene Hypothesis. Thinking that hiding in a bubble is good for children., good for people. Required masks, requiring endless vaccines, requiring testing, social distancing, remote learning … these people pat themselves on the back. Ignoring basic principles of immunology.
If you don’t exercise your immune system, it will not work properly!!!!
Yes, the original hygiene hypothesis is focused on children. But I believe it applies to ALL stages of life. Obviously, childhood is ultra critical in the growth of good muscle and bones and brains … and just as obvious is the critical importance of immunology in children.
But understated, and diluted, and sometimes denied … is the importance of all these things throughout life. Hiding is a bad, unhealthy plan for your immune system. Wearing masks all day it unhealthy!!! You need the exercise your immune system – ALL people.
Obviously, once a human body is impaired. By autoimmune failures, or cancers, or genetic disease - that human body is at high risk by exposure to pathogens. Exercise may kill them, exposure to millions of pathogens can kill them … or make them very sick.
This fact is clearly demonstrated for physical failures – like a failing heart for example: running, vigorous sudden exercise may trigger a heart attack in someone with a failing heart – and death. Obviously, that person needs to ‘hide’, not exercise vigorously, live in a bubble. At-least they must hide until their heart, or immune system improves.
This same logic applies to anyone that also suffers from the effects of the Hygiene Hypothesis (Western life), or genetically has inherited a weakened immune system. But, for everyone else – that does not have their diseases… it is like forcing poison upon them.
Forcing non-compromised people, children to suffer the same ailments that they suffer. How impossibly selfish such a belief and goal is. To believe: ‘If I suffer, all those around me must suffer.’
I try to believe, that most people that belief they everyone must suffer ‘with them’ are just ignorant. Not evil. But instead, just brainwashed by evil our leadership. Manipulated by selfish people that know better. Shame on the leaders that have done-so.
If a person (yourself possibly) is compromised, and can’t exercise, then hiding in a bubble might be your best options – THEN go ahead and HIDE. Its your prerogative, its your choice. But to force others into the same poisoned boat is WRONG!
I am not saying put your face in a pétri dish of tuberculosis. I am not saying put your arm in the lion cage, but live life normally, grow, get sick, exercise your immunity. I’m not saying NEVER get a vaccination. I’m not saying don’t race for cures and solutions to pathogens. I’m not saying don’t wash your hands. I’m not saying eat dirt. I’m not saying don’t use soap, don’t wash.
I am Arrowsmith – I am saying be smart!
I’m saying exercise!
The bubble (lockdown) plan not only damages the human immunology, but social skills, speech impairment, fear of other people, on and on - damaged and delayed!!!
We are creating millions on millions of phobic people. Howard Hughes’s of the middle class. An unconscious ‘able, unforgivable decision by our leaders.
Physiological and psychological damage of immense proportions gets piled on.
And this logic doesn’t even addressing the economic damage done. Disruption and stopping of education Separating economic and educations impact from health is not possible in the modern world. Those that ignore this fact are selfish, and protected, brainwashed – often addicted to welfare handouts, to the government as their savior, other people thinking for them. They likely reside in the bubble of Western protection, or are under the dictatorship of ignorant leaders. Both are damaging to the people of the planet.
Economically and educationally damaging to the 3ed world, Immunologically damaging to the 1st. Ignoring the Hygiene Hypothesis is a HUGE mistake.
If your want a healthy life. Get out of the bubble. Grow. Fight. Survive. Thrive.
The Hygiene Hypothesis is REAL.
It’s either evil or ignorant of our leaders to lockdown children and people.
Which is it?