Around the world, Americans are known as Cowboys. Two-words, smashed together. Cowboys are brash, headstrong people. They have the characteristic of confidently walking down the road, even if it’s the wrong direction. Roaming widely, exploring, Cowboys can be found almost anywhere on the planet.
Cowboys are often described as ‘shoot first, ask questions later’. They believe that America is the best, free’ist country on the planet. They are proud of their country. Yes, Americans can be Cowboys.
The second type of American is less known outside of the States. These people are known as “Sheeple”, two-words, smashed together. Sheep and People. This word is new’ish on the World stage. And few outside the US realize that Sheeple exist in America.
Sheeple do not make the mistake of walking down the road the wrong direction, and they never shoot. In-fact, they prefer to not travel or leave their home. They are docile creatures that wait for the direction of a bureaucrat. Wait to be told what to think. Sheeple follow the flock. Believe the media, and want to be like Europe (though they have never been there). They have convinced themselves they are scientists, geniuses, and that Cowboys are evil, stupid bumpkins.
Cowboys and Sheeple are not political parties. But obviously, each type of American is drawn to similar minded Americans. These two types of Americans are not divided by categories of Wealth, but by human genetics. Sheeple prefer cloning, Cowboys prefer natural selection.
The leaders of the Sheeple are jealous of China’s leaders. They want more compliance from the Cowboys. Passing laws to constrain them, firing them from jobs when possible and blocking their access to the podium. Sheeple value compliance over Critical thought and opinion.
The leaders of the Cowboys are swamped by the multitude of Sheeple – the flock has blocked the roadway – no-one can pass without ‘authorized’ paperwork. Sheeple control the media and entertainment and schools. So, Cowboys are confused about how to retain their freedom, and grow uneasy.
I am sincerely worried about my country. Cowboys and Sheeple are on a collision coarse. Maybe that’s what the people of power desire? If so, they have succeeded in completely dividing Americans. Members of each group can not cross-over with the other side, can not be friends, have lost respect for each other.
While some countries of the world move forward, America is in chaos. Maybe the Sheeple don’t notice But for-sure, the Cowboys do.