A new friend shared that quote – from an ancient Chinese saying.
Contemplating time might be the most philosophical pursuit a human can have. Impossible it seems for us humans to get our hands around.
More confusing than a debate about God, or even Climate. :)
Just now, I’m stranded in New Caledonia due to the Corona Virus chaos – time is standing still in 2020. No flights out. (I have had two international flights from here canceled! Wow! A new record for me.) I pass the moments here in mild shock. What is to come next? Every minute seems to bring new and different news. Constantly flowing, moving, impossible to hold – like water.
Maybe the true goal of the Corona Virus is to teach us all the value of time. Embrace the quiet and simple moments; but don’t waste the golden seconds of adventure and productivity. Reminding us we are all in this together.
Curious coincidence that Corona’s vector of propagation is a water droplet. Floating on a vapor of water; from person to person – schooling us about time. There’s something philosophical about the lesson of time being taught by such a simple biological. Corona laughs at time – its always existed, and always will – it laughs.
Maybe timeless’ness is how a child feels. For a child; a week is like a month; a month like a year. And just maybe that's why Corona has nothing to teach a child - Choosing to ignore them! They already have learned the lessons of time. An interesting thought!
I on-the-other-hand feel helpless to the ripples of the worlds time vacuum. I’m just riding on the edge, holding on; Will I make it to the shore? Seems I have forgotten the lessons of childhood. Time has almost stopped here in New Caledonia. Corona is trying to remind me!
Obviously, the older you get, the more aware we are of fast approaching death. Most of our lives we ignore these thoughts. As a child they never enter your domain. But as an ‘older’ adult, having survived life's many obstacles – time is crushing. I sometimes worry about wasting it; Get up – go explore that mountain; dive that ocean. NOW!!! I only have a precious few days remaining. Maybe the few people that never feel these emotions are the truly lucky humans – retaining their child-like personalities. Never contemplating mortality and time as an adult.
Time is like water. I love the thought.
Explain the physic’s of time! Explain the passage of time! Explain how it seems to speed and slow in our perceptions! Explain why it only seems to move in one dimension – onward. Explain why some memories of years-past feel like yesterday! Time is one slippery little bastard.
Time seems to move slowly while I scuba dive. My mind can not afford even a single thought about life’s responsibilities or troubles while 100ft below the surface. Time almost stops there at the coral reef. Like the feeling of time a child must experience. Maybe that’s why I love diving the oceans so very very much!
Trapped on New Caledonia – I have all the time in the world to dream. Maybe that’s not so very bad. Tomorrow I’ll be an adult again – tonight I dream.
Time is like water.
Take a drink. And thank new friends for lessons on time.